Social Security Numbers

In today’s digital age, protecting sensitive personal information, like Social Security Numbers (SSNs), is more crucial than ever. Federal and state laws play a pivotal role in safeguarding SSNs, aiming to prevent identity theft and ensure responsible handling of this sensitive data. Understanding these laws is essential for both individuals and organizations to protect privacy rights and comply with legal requirements. 

In Florida, the privacy of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) is protected by several key state laws and regulations: 

  • Florida Statute 119.071: This statute governs public records and exemptions. It prohibits the disclosure of SSNs in public records unless required by law, explicitly authorized, or provided for certain governmental functions. In accordance with this statute, the University of Florida notifies individuals before collecting their social security number (SSN) and identifies the purpose for such collection. 
  • Florida Statute 501.171: Known as the Florida Information Protection Act of 2014, this law requires businesses and government agencies to take reasonable measures to protect and secure SSNs they collect, maintain, and use. 
  • Protection in Governmental Use: Government agencies in Florida are required to limit the collection, use, and display of SSNs to only those purposes necessary for the agency to carry out its functions. SSNs cannot be used as a means of identification unless required by law. 
  • Data Breach Notifications: Organizations and agencies in Florida must notify individuals if their SSNs are reasonably believed to have been accessed or acquired by unauthorized persons due to a security breach. 
  • Healthcare and Financial Institutions: Additional regulations apply to healthcare providers and financial institutions regarding the collection, storage, and sharing of SSNs to ensure patient and consumer privacy. 
  • Employee SSN Protection: Employers in Florida are prohibited from publicly posting or displaying SSNs, printing SSNs on any card or tag, or transmitting SSNs over unsecured networks. 

Overall, Florida's laws aim to safeguard the privacy of SSNs by limiting their collection and use, requiring secure handling practices, and mandating notification in case of data breaches. These measures help protect individuals from identity theft and misuse of their sensitive personal information. 


Best Practices for safeguarding SSNs: 

  • Minimize Collection: Collect SSNs only when necessary. 
  • Secure Storage: Use encryption and secure methods to store SSNs. 
  • Access Control: Limit access to SSNs to authorized personnel and only use SSNs for authorized purposes, as described in the UF SSN Matrix. 
  • Notification: Inform individuals about the purpose of SSN collection and any breaches affecting their SSNs. 
  • Compliance: Stay informed about federal and state laws to ensure compliance and protect SSN privacy. 

For additional information regarding the collection or use of Social Security Numbers at UF, please visit our Guidance on SSNs.